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Learn to Embrace Uncomfortable Emotions

We often judge uncomfortable emotions and just want them to go away because they just don't feel good! We don't pay attention to what those feelings are trying to tell us because many of us struggle to understand their true power and significance. In the latest episode of the Brain BS Podcast, titled "Unlocking the Power of Uncomfortable Emotions: Our Feelings Really Matter, I explain how this works against us. We must cultivate a better understanding of how our uncomfortable emotions are here to help us.

I began the episode by emphasizing the think-feel-act cycle, a concept that illustrates the direct link between our thoughts, emotions, and the actions we undertake. This basically means that our thoughts trigger a feeling, that emotion leads to taking an action or not taking one, and that is how we get our results. Understanding this dynamic is key to self-awareness and learning to live consciously.

While this concept is great and can be very effective, we must also explore our subconscious programming. This is where "hidden commitments" live according to author Debbie Ford. These underlying commitments keep us small and safe and are in direct contrast to what we think we want to achieve. Since our subconscious programming is way louder than any conscious thoughts we might try to believe, we must confront these underlying issues is essential for personal growth and transformation.

In addition, we have to remember the importance of energy and how to make universal Laws work for us and not against us. We often hear about the Law of Attraction for manifesting what we want. Maintaining a high frequency vibe and attempting to stay positive when we don't like what is happening is hard to do. Even if you manage to stay positive, that is not sufficient for getting what you want. You must also be willing to take concrete actions to manifest whatever it is you want. There is no fooling the Universe when it comes to energy so you need to manage yours effectively.

Since embracing uncomfortable emotions can be challenging, I created a couple tools to make it easier for you. The first one I spoke about in the podcast is The Primary State of Mind. This is an exercise to help you understand what is going on in your mind and what that is creating for you. The next one is the FEAR Factor tool which helps you understand how a particular emotion specifically impacts your life and reframe it in a way that works for you. I created both of them for my Mastering Brain BS for Success course where I teach people how to live authentically and learn to trust themselves to make all the decisions.

In conclusion, embracing uncomfortable emotions is non-negotiable for personal growth. When we understand how the think-act-feel cycle works and why it is so important to address our subconscious programming, we are much more likely to become more self-aware using the tools I shared here.

I am not only offering you important information for your personal growth, but also practical methods for applying this knowledge in everyday life. The Primary State of Mind exercise and the Fear Factor tool can help you to reprogram your subconscious programming and improve the likelihood that you will achieve your goals.

Call To Action (CTA)

Print out the two handouts and make many copies of them so you can use them on a regular basis to identify what emotions come up most often for you and what situations trigger them. Whether it be a business like mine that triggers uncomfortable emotions or just the temptation of a cupcake like the woman in the picture, we must address these feelings.

I have turned on the comments below and would love it if you shared how the exercises impacted you and what your primary take aways were from this week's podcast episode and blog post. Until next time...

Click on the link below to listen to this week's podcast episode!

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