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So much learned, and so much to think about, be grateful for, and start living again. I feel so lucky to have met you. I am inspired every time I talk with you. Thank you for your kindness and interest in a better life for me and all of my family. XO



You are excellent at what you do! Thank you for being patient with me as I go into this kicking and screaming, albeit silently. It is VERY challenging for me to get out of my comfort zone and think outside of my preferred boxes to do these things, but somehow you are getting me to do that. I appreciate that you have allowed me to go at my own pace and that you have found a way to get me to trust you to enable me to even think about making changes. Kudos to you and your awesomeness, I will continue to work on my goals.



Maureen's kindness, caring, compassion, honesty and humility are her personal attributes that make the journey with her appreciative and potent. For those who are ready, the Brain BS coach is a genuine and empowering presence who will guide you to your self and your truth.



I think of Maureen wearing one of those African explorer’s hats, leading us into a new world. Sometimes, this world is a bit scary. Sometimes, it brings us face to face with things we’ve been avoiding.  Often, our intrepid explorer brings us to places of profound joy. 



Maureen and I connected when I was stumbling, lost and frustrated while trying to find my place in our blended family. She has guided me with patience, compassion, kindness, humor and gentle authority. With her guidance, my personal growth has empowered me to show up as my authentic self. It is worth every step, and with Maureen's help, not as hard as you may think!



Maureen's compassion and intuitive ability are just a couple of the key components she has demonstrated during our sessions resulting in positive outcomes. She encourages honest communication and has an innate ability to pinpoint questions that will give rise to thoughts and listens intently to your responses. Don't miss an opportunity to spend time with her.



I love listening to the variety of guests you bring on your podcast. Your podcast is thoughtful, thought provoking, you are unafraid to dive into topics that need to be explored but many are afraid to broach and you are so, so generous. Thank you for this valuable resource. 


Nicky Hammond


Maureen is an extremely talented and motivating life coach.  She has a unique gift of helping people identify areas that inhibit them from living their best lives.  Her insight is extremely valuable and life altering. She helped me look with a new perspective on many facets of my life that were unexplored before.  Based on many of the tools and coaching she provided, I was able to lose 40 pounds and gain a new sense of self-love.



Loads of information to consider to support self discovery and personal growth. Episodes of The Brain BS Podcast invite revisiting the past to support deeper comprehension and understanding. Maureen is a sincere and informative host. I look forward to listening to more episodes and will share it with friends and family. I feel her passion and hearing relatable applications to everyday life is reassuring that I can make changes to improve my life too. 



 Just in the short time I have been working with Maureen, my 2 younger kids have really noticed a change in me! It feels awesome! I know I have a long way to go but at least I’m not sitting idle and I am finally going for a change. It’s like the cloudy lens filter just got removed. I’m going to take what I’m learning from Maureen and teach my grandchildren that they also can control the narrative of their brain and thoughts. We don’t have to accept what bullshit it feeds us! Who knew we had that option!!!!! I really mean it when I say I am truly grateful to Maureen and her wisdom. I'm sure she was a great occupational therapist, but she is an outstanding life coach! I am so blessed God helped me click on!!! The Brain BS coach has really found her true calling because it’s just so natural for her. Her hard work really shines through. She is really going to make such an impact on anyone who pursues her guidance. I’m so excited to continue this journey for myself and so grateful that Maureen listened to her inner self and had the courage to change careers. She will truly change so many peoples lives!  I thank you for the way you show up Maureen! You give me hope!



 Maureen offers a life changing experience through her great coaching . She helped me to become more self-aware regarding my thought patterns and the results they were getting me. She did that by giving me great feedback after each session, so I could choose a new mindset and adapt my thinking for a new ways of being. 



 I never really thought of myself as the type of person who would get a life coach. But some months ago, I was presented the opportunity to work with Maureen, so I figured it couldn’t hurt me! Little did I know how important her work with me would soon become. Through teaching me about how I was thinking and what I was attracting in my life with how I think, and the power of my thoughts, she prepared me to deal with a diagnosis that I’m not sure I would have handled well at all. She has helped me turn a negative thing into a positive, and helped me realize that I have the strength and power to attract the results I want in my life with just changing how I think. She truly has changed my outlook on life for the better and I’m so grateful to call her my life coach!



 For so long I'd been focused on raising my family while basically ignoring my own self-care, partly because that was easier. I'd stopped checking in with myself and my personal growth was zilch. I honestly didn't even know where to begin to make changes. Maureen gave me the resources, taught me the how, and held me accountable for doing the work. It's definitely not easy but is is so worth it! I now know the best years aren't behind me and I have the ability to create a vibrant and meaningful life.



 In an amazingly short amount of time working with Maureen, my emotional state has gone from quite dire to quite stable. Stable enough to absorb the information she is enthusiastically and generously providing. I am aware for the first time in a long time that, with the tools Maureen is providing me, I can in fact shift my thinking from the automatic negative self-talk I was engaging in, to positive and self affirming thoughts. And in doing so, the door of self-awareness and emotional growth I had previously slam shut, has opened just enough for me to see some light, and enter into this new journey of self-acceptance and love. Maureen is the perfect coach to guide me.



Maureen Kafkis life Coaching has opened the door to me starting the second chapter of my life with a new outlook and better understanding of how our brain and thoughts work. Divorced after 33 years of marriage and finding myself alone, trying to figure out what just happened and how do I move on with my life.  I knew I needed to talk to someone to help me sort out my feelings. I was referred to Maureen by a close friend.   After our initial meeting, I was sold!  Maureen was able to help me understand my thoughts and how my brain was being unmanaged.  With her guidance and her positive outlook I have been able to decipher my thoughts and understand why I have so many negative thoughts.  Then she guided me in managing my brain and thoughts with compassion, absolutely no judging, and a lot of wisdom.  I feel so safe talking to her I have never been more honest with any other individual.  I look forward to each week’s session, because I always have an AH HA moment!



I didn't understand life coaching and thought I had all I needed in a therapist, but I was wrong!  I've participated in  private coaching and I've learned so much! I find Maureen’s advice to be insightful and practical, and I love how dedicated she is. I really value the time I spent with her. Her strategies that include placing an emphasis on accountability and changing old thought patterns, have been a game changer and given me so much more energy in my daily life! 



 I am so glad that I chose Maureen as a life coach.  She meets me where I am at emotionally.  She supports my journey with compassion and practical solutions for my real life situations.  Her positive approach to thinking differently, has helped me make tremendous changes in my way of thinking, my attitude and the new way I can approach challenges every day.  I highly recommend her if you are looking for a coach to help you change your life for the better.  Make this investment in yourself.  You won’t regret it.



I have been working with Maureen for about 2 months, having one-on-one coaching and in the Brain BS Community. Plus I've listened to her inspiring "The Brain BS Podcast". From the work I've done with her I'm learning how to live more consciously; I am more aware of how I am with myself and how I relate to others. This work, while not easy, makes so much sense. I am forever surprised at how practical and true it is!
I am unlearning a lifetime's-worth of brain BS. My brain works tirelessly, but not always efficiently or effectively, but it's function is keeping me safe. But this "safety", I've come to learn, has also kept me isolated and judgmental with feelings of superiority. I've always thought of myself as compassionate, but I've learned that compassion is not my default. I am trying hard to make it my default along with love and respect.
Maureen is very logical, very compassionate, kind, funny and knowledgeable. She is also patient but forceful and respectful enough to help me understand what she is teaching. She asks good questions that really make me think. In the short time we've worked together, I really feel myself and my life opening up in positive ways because I am learning how to do that.




Looking for a guide to a more fulfilling life? I’d recommend Maureen Kafkis who is the Brain BS Coach and host of The Brain BS Podcast: Learning to Live Consciously. Within the last several months, I’ve learned so much from Maureen. Ways to look outside my life and what’s around me. Trying new things such as acupuncture, Reiki, and learning about my human Design chart. I’ve learned to put myself first, say no when I have to and be happy in the moment because that’s the only thing I can control. Change is not easy, but I know with Maureen’s help and guidance I am a better person, father, brother and friend to the people in my life. I’m glad to call Maureen a friend and know she will always be there for me. 





​Working with Maureen Kafkis has been a total joy.

In June 2023, Maureen interviewed me for a wonderful podcast about a memoir I had written but had been reticent to publicize. In the spring of 2024, she proposed that we create an event together to “go public” with my book.


She chose the venue, paid for it, and promoted the event through texts, social media, and emails. She also created a flyer and posted it throughout the community. She even shares it with local news outlets and did tons of networking and 1:1 meeting to promote the event.


But most of all, Maureen gave me incredible support to launch my author’s website and the courage to speak publicly. At the event, Maureen interviewed me and guided the discussion. I was impressed by how perceptive she was with her questions and how she framed the discussion.

We had so much FUN each time we met to plan and prepare for the live event--we developed tremendous mutual trust between the two of us. I’ve learned a lot from Maureen about concepts like tribal mentality and developing a nervous system for leadership and being seen. She helped me gain confidence to share my book so that it can be a source of healing for others.

Maureen’s enthusiasm is contagious and wonderful. I consider knowing her, working with her, and getting to do this recent successful event with her an incredible gift.






MKCoach, LLC

Email: mkcoachllc@GMAIL.COM
Tel:  (847) 507-6164


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